Welcome to Texas A&M University System’s Open Digital Publishing (ODP) Platform. At TAMU Libraries OpenEd, we are delighted to support your journey in creating and sharing open educational resources (OER). Whether you are an experienced author or just beginning, our mission is to provide you with the tools and support you need to thrive. We are deeply committed to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4: “Ensuring Inclusive, Equitable, and Quality Education and the Promotion of Lifelong Learning Opportunities for All,” and we are excited to have you join us in advancing this vision and contributing to the open education movement.
Mission Statement
We support the creation and dissemination of high-quality educational content for students and faculty across the Texas A&M University System. Our mission is to empower authors and ensure that students have access to affordable, relevant, and openly licensed resources. We aim to publish scholarly content that is adaptable and valuable across diverse educational contexts nationally and internationally, enhancing learning opportunities and academic success worldwide.
This platform is a collaborative publishing space that aggregates OER from across the Texas A&M System into a centralized hub (check out our Catalog). The publishing guidelines are currently in development and will be posted as soon as they are finalized. In the meantime, if you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team and other TAMU institutions’ contacts.
Need Assistance?
Our team at TAMU Libraries OpenEd is here to support TAMU institutions with their publishing endeavors. Please feel free to reach out to us through the following contact information:
- General Inquiries: OpenEdHelp@tamu.edu
- Seyed Abdollah Shahrokni, Open Publishing Platform Manager: s.shahrokni@tamu
- Jennifer Pate, OpenEd Director: jennifer.pate@tamu.edu
- Beth Chenette, Reserve Services Coordinator: echenette@tamu.edu
TAMU Branch Contacts
Authors interested in publishing their content on this platform can connect with their institutions’ point person(s) using the following contact information:
Texas A&M University–Central Texas
- Dawn Harris, University Library & Archives, dawnharris@tamuct.edu, 254-519-8716
- Sandra Nelson, University Library & Archives, s.nelson@tamuct.edu, 254-519-8715
East Texas A&M University
- Sarah H. Northam, Velma K. Waters Library, sarah.northam@tamuc.edu, 903-886-5721
Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi
- Lisa Louis, Mary and Jeff Bell Library, lisa.louis@tamucc.edu, 361-825-5905
Texas A&M University–Galveston
- OpenEd Team, TAMU College Station, OpenEdHelp@tamu.edu, 979-845-5382.
Texas A&M University–Kingsville
- Christine Radcliff, Jernigan Library, christine.radcliff@tamuk.edu, 361-593-3916
- Erica Bruder, Jernigan Library, Erica.Bruder@tamuk.edu, 361-593-4070
Texas A&M University–San Antonio
- Deirdre McDonald, University Library, deirdre.mcdonald@tamusa.edu, 210-784-1503
- Kim Grotewold, University Library, kgrotewold@tamusa.edu, 210-784-1519
Texas A&M University–Texarkana
- Tim Arnold, John F. Moss Library, tarnold@tamut.edu, 903-223-3088.
Prairie View A&M University
Henry Koshy, John B. Coleman Library, hvkoshy@pvamu.edu, 936-261-1517
Tarleton State University
- Brandon Assmann, University Libraries, bassmann@tarleton.edu, 254-968-9030
Texas A&M International
- Jeanette Hatcher, Sue & Radcliffe Killam Library, jhatcher@tamiu.edu, 956-326-2404
West Texas A&M University
- Interim: Bruce Wardlow, Cornette Library, bwardlow@wtamu.edu, 806-651-2221.